Copyright Infringement Policy
If you believe that content on our website infringes on copyright, please send us a detailed notification at Ensure your notification includes your contact information, a description of the copyrighted work, and the specific location of the infringing material on our site. We adhere strictly to copyright laws and will remove or disable access to the material promptly upon receiving a compliant notification.
Procedure and Compliance
Upon receipt of a valid infringement notice, we will take necessary actions to remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing content. We will also contact the uploader to address the claim. It is important to provide a clear and accurate description in your claim to facilitate swift action. If the notification lacks required details, it may be considered invalid.
Reporting Abuse
To report any abuse related to content or files, such as repeated copyright infringement, email us with a clear description of the issue. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards abusive content and will take appropriate measures in response to abuse reports.